the Dashboard
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SEPTEMBER 2024 On 30 September 2024, Mileva organised a symposium on the theme of artificial intelligence and translation, held to mark the International Translation Day and supported by the Prix Littéraire Marco Polo Venise. Moderated by Valérie Fert and Gabrielle Zimmermann, who led the panel discussions and debates, the event took place at the Venice International University and brought together:
Click on the video announcement (in french) about artificial intelligence and translation. |
Click on the video announcement (in Italian) about artificial intelligence and translation. |
Click on the video announcement (in french) about carbonised papyri of Herculaneum and the Vesuvius Challenge. |
Click on the video announcement (in Italian) about carbonised papyri of Herculaneum and the Vesuvius Challenge. |
Click on the video announcement (in french) about challenges of translating languages with different structures. |
Click on the video announcement (in italian) challenges of translating languages with different structures. |
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MARCH 2021
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“CHALLENGES OF GLOBALIZATION” – 16, 17, 18 MARCH, 2021 MILEVA, SPEAKER OF THE ONLINE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE What is the reality, what is the history behind the term globalisation? What are its stakes and challenges? Does the COVID-19 pandemic change them or bring new ones to the fore? Mileva sheds light on these questions together with an impressive array of participants from academia and the private sector speaking from Asia, Africa as well as America and Europe.
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IFCU NEW FRONTIER FORUM 19 & 20 OCTOBER 2020 Thierry Lorho, Mileva’s designer, is one of the high-standard speakers of the annual New Frontier Forum of the International Federation of Catholic Universities, which focusses on Artificial Intelligence, the revolution it is bringing about across universities. |
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Quantum Approach of Decision Theory and Post-COVID-19 World from the Artificial Intelligence System Mileva, by Valérie Fert Valérie Fert has participated, on 10 July, in the conference on "Crises, International Security and Cybersecurity" organized by Mayeul Kaufmann (CYBIS Project), the University Grenoble Alpes, Sciences Po' Grenoble, the Center for International Security Studies and European Cooperation, the Grenoble School of Peace, the Research Institute for Non-violent Conflict Resolution. Urs Luterbacher, our colleague at GMAP, also participated in this conference which brought together African, German, Belgian, Canadian, French, Swiss and other national researchers... For more information, PPT can be downloaded here
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MILEVA AT ELECTRIC MOBILITY CANADA From July 7 to 8 2020, a virtual conference was organized by Electric Mobility Canada on the theme "Work, Commute and Travel during ... And Beyond Covid19". How will things change … if they do change? How can electromobility be a part of the economic recovery ? With the participation of: - Hon. Seamus O’Regan, Minister Natural Resources Canada - Hon. Marc Garneau Minister of Transport - Hon. Ali Ehsassi Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry A great opportunity for Sonia EYAAN, member of GMAP, to present an analysis from Mileva on “The post Covi-19 world, environmental major transformations and risks”. Please find here the analysis from Mileva.
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MILEVA AT EXPO 2019 BEIJING Sonia Eyaan, deputy curator of the French Pavilion at Expo 2019 Beijing “Live Green, Live Better”, presented the findings of an analysis carried out by the advanced artificial intelligence system Mileva on the key dynamics of humankind history, from the Paleolithic to the future trends. Main results: a brain-driven world regarding the past (invention, religion, ideology, concept…), and an environmental concerned world with respect to our future.
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March 27-28-29, 2019 – Catholic University of Angers (France) MORE INFORMATION TO COME Headed by Marc Finaud, career diplomat, expert in disarmament issues and negotiations, senior advisor of the Emerging Security Challenges Programme, leader of the Arms Proliferation Cluster at GCSP, and GMAP founding member. Thierry Lorho, designer of the advanced AI Mileva, and GMAP founding member, will participate in the roundtable on “New Weapons: Military Robotics and Cybernetics”. He will more specifically report on Artificial Intelligence and strategic foresight.
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October 4, 2018, 6pm - Geneva – Institut Futura21 Futura21 - 12 Avenue des Morgines, 1213 Lancy, Switzerland Conference (in French) by Valerie Fert and Thierry Lorho. First, Valerie and Thierry will point out the basics needed to a correct understanding of really what Artificial Intelligence is. They will explain how an AI can support managers in decision-making. The presentation will be illustrated by practical examples. Presentation
Practical examples
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May 2-4, 2018 – Vaux-de-Cernay Abbey (France) ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE EXPLORATION SEMINAR MNM Consulting, a consulting firm offering an innovative approach to management, organised an artificial intelligence exploration seminar, intended to executives, which several members of GMAP participated in as lecturers. Furthermore, many examples used during the seminar were based on the AI system Mileva analyses and findings. Participants: Valerie Fert, president of GMAP, « Impacts of AI on Society »; Prof. Dominique Foray, Dean of the Faculty of Management of Technology at Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), founding member of GMAP, « Impacts of AI on Innovation and Productivity »; Thierry Lorho, designer of the AI system Mileva, founding member of GMAP, « Artificial Intelligence or Artificial Intelligences? »; Prof. Urs Luterbacher, professor emeritus of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID – Geneva), founding member of GMAP, “Artificial Intelligence: Fears, Hopes, Perspectives and Questions”; Prof. Alain-Marc Rieu, guest professor at the University of Osaka, founding member of GMAP, “AI Today, Epistemological Perspective”. Beside Nicolas Monomakhoff, founding director of MNM Consulting, and members of its staff, Prof.Dominique Boullier of EPFL also gave a lecture on “Artificial Intelligence, Decision and Leadership”. |
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February 26-27, 2018 – CERN, Geneva HUMANITATIAN FORESIGHT Valerie Fert and Thierry Lorho participate in this edition of the humanitarian foresight & futures co-creation workshops aimed to focus on six pre-identified work streams and to generate tangible next steps for these multi stakeholder initiatives. They more specifically work on the future of Education, notably in the context of the smart technologies impacts on knowledge, education and labour. Members of following organisations are participating: CERN, Changemakers Lab, Development Initiatives, GAHI, GCSP, GHL, Mileva, GMAP, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Group on Earth Observations (GEO), Handicap & Inclusion, ICRC, Impact Initiatives (REACH), Incitare, IOM, trans.form, UNDP, UNHCR, UNITAR, UNOPS, WeRobotics ... | |
Work Streams | |
Future Decision Makers
Knowledge Exchange
Future of Education
Future Humanitarian Roadmap
Foresight & Futures Prize
Future of VR, AR, MR=>XR
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Thierry Lorho, founding member of GMAP and designer of the AI system Mileva during a conference given on board the Queen Mary 2. |
June 25 – July 1 2017 – On board the Queen Mary 2 while crossing the Atlantic THE BRIDGE 1917 - 2017 As part of the commemoration of the arrival of the American soldiers in 1917, in France, a group of 100 French companies and business executives organised and supported a private cruise between Saint Nazaire and New York. One of the goals of this outstanding crossing was about thinking the future. Valerie Fert, president of GMAP, and Thierry Lorho, founding member, were invited to give lectures and animate workshops on artificial intelligence and its different impacts on technology, economy, companies, labour and society. |
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2-3 June 2016 – Geneva – Maison de la Paix WATER SECURITY - ENHANCING MULTI-STAKEHOLDER PARTNERSHIPS Water is recognised as a strategic resource whose management and governance may generate or aggravate crises and conflicts but also has a potential of unifying people across population groups or borders. The World Economic Forum (WEF), in its 2016 Global Risk Report, identifies water crises as one of the main risks in the short and the long term, and it advocates “policy options where multi-stakeholder action is critical.” In adopting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the international community has defined objectives that are consistent with this realisation: Goal 6 aims to “ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all” while Goal 17 intends to “strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development”.
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Prof. Struye de Swielande, on the left. Prof. Urs Luterbacher, second from the right (with his back to the photo). Thierry Lorho, third from the right: |
April 29, 2015 – Catholic University of Louvain la Neuve Prof. Tanguy Struye de Swielande, founding member of GMAP organised this symposium, which Thierry Lorho and Prof. Urs Luterbacher, also founding members of GMAP, participated in. The Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) is a leading European university in research and innovation in political sciences, bringing together researchers and practitioners in the field. As part of its research program in International Relations, the department organises annual conferences and symposia. On April 29, 2015, the UCL’s Center for the Study of Crises and International Conflicts and the Chair InBev-Baillet Latour held a symposium on the concept of power, and its various dimensions, in international relations. Thierry Lorho and Prof. Luterbacher’s intervention, titled « Predicting Crises and Monitoring their Evolution », has been published in the « International Journal of Peace Economics and Peace Science », Cambridge Scholar, in July 2016 ( |